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Action request

Healthcare For All

Taking Action
The easy way

Understand the issue

Click on the magnifying glass for background information about this issue.

Figure out what to write

Copy the text of the letter if you want to use part or all of it.

If this is a letter to Congress...

Click on the megaphone to choose which representative or senator to write to. Click on their name to bring you to their information page on our site.

Then click on the megaphone on their information page. That will take you to the section of their official website where you can email them.

If this is a comment on a regulation...

Click on the megaphone to go to the comment section of the proposed regulation.

Write it and send it on its way

Simply paste what you copied from our sample letter or comment or write whatever you want.

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Sample letter to your representatives in Congress

As your constituent, I am urging you to support a single-payer health care system to replace our private insurance based system.

It should meet the following criteria...

o Any U.S. citizen will be able to receive quality medical, dental, vision, and mental health care at a cost they can easily afford.

o The additional tax to pay for national health care would cost most Americans less than the combination of health insurance premiums and additional costs of health care treatment they now pay. That tax would be assessed using a formula that is equitable for all income levels.

o It would contain provisions to control the cost of services and prescription drugs.

o Providers would be compensated reasonably and promptly

o The plan would be economically sustainable - completely paid for by public dollars with no borrowing.

Such a health care policy would reduce national health care costs, allowing more money to be spent either benefitting U.S. citizens or paying down the national debt.

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