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Bill in Congress

Equality Act

Taking Action
The easy way

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Figure out what to write

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If this is a letter to Congress...

Click on the megaphone to choose which representative or senator to write to. Click on their name to bring you to their information page on our site.

Then click on the megaphone on their information page. That will take you to the section of their official website where you can email them.

If this is a comment on a regulation...

Click on the megaphone to go to the comment section of the proposed regulation.

Write it and send it on its way

Simply paste what you copied from our sample letter or comment or write whatever you want.

Sample letter to your senators

In approximately half of our 50 states, a person can be denied employment or housing simply on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity.

This situation can easily be remedied by amending our various civil rights protections to include these factors as protected classes. The Equality Act (HR-5), which passed the House of Representatives, does just that.

The bill can only become law if the Senate allows a vote on it and it passes. Otherwise, our country will be left with the above-mentioned inequities.

As your constituent, I urge you to push for the Senate to be allowed to vote on the Equality Act, and to vote for its passage.

Sample letter to your representative

In approximately half of our 50 states, a person can be denied employment or housing simply on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity.

This situation can easily be remedied by amending our various civil rights protections to include these factors as protected classes. The Equality Act (HR-5), which passed the House of Representatives, does just that.

The bill passed with an anonymous voice vote. As your constituent, I would like to know how you voted on this bill. Should the Senate pass a changed version, I am urging you to demand a roll-call vote on the reconciled bill and to vote for its passage.

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