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Action request

Investigate Jan. 6 attack on Capitol

Taking Action
The easy way

Understand the issue

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Figure out what to write

Copy the text of the letter if you want to use part or all of it.

If this is a letter to Congress...

Click on the megaphone to choose which representative or senator to write to. Click on their name to bring you to their information page on our site.

Then click on the megaphone on their information page. That will take you to the section of their official website where you can email them.

If this is a comment on a regulation...

Click on the megaphone to go to the comment section of the proposed regulation.

Write it and send it on its way

Simply paste what you copied from our sample letter or comment or write whatever you want.

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Sample letter to your senators on a non-partisan investigation

The Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol was planned in advance by various right-wing groups, and resulted in several deaths.

Those groups may have been incited - and even aided - by certain elected representatives. This attack needs to be thoroughly investigated - so that those responsible can be brought to justice and Americans can know the role of those they elected to represent their interests.

A bill to create a commission that would conduct a thorough, non-partisan investigation, already has passed the House of Representatives. As your constituent, I urge you to vote to create the commissiong by passing this bill.

This bill is being blocked by a filibuster

This bill has received the support of a majority of senators, yet Senate Republicans are blocking it with a filibuster.

There are two possible actions you can take...

If your senator is one of those who blocked the bill, write to them asking them to allow it to be voted on by the full Senate.

If your senator already supports forming the commission, write to them asking them to consider modifying (or eliminating) the filibuster process so that this bill can receive a vote.

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