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Sample letter to your representative and senators in Congress
While I support most people's right to own guns, we cannot afford to lose even one more person to mass shootings.
As your constituent, I am asking that you support gun laws that would help keep assault weapons and other guns out of the hands of those likely to present dangers to society. These laws can include...
o Background checks of every person buying a gun - no matter how they obtain it.
o Preventing anyone not satisfactorily passing a background check from purchasing a gun.
o "Red flag" laws that would temporarily remove guns from those considered to be a danger to others.
o Providing a reasonable limit to the number of guns a person can purchase in a month.
o Enhanced protection against "straw purchases", in which someone purchases a gun for someone who otherwise would not be allowed to obtain one.
o Requiring gun owners to report if their gun is stolen or otherwise can no longer be accounted for.
It is reprehensible to let more people die from guns due to Congressional inaction.