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Proposed Regulation or Rule

Eliminate unlawful text messages

Taking Action
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If this is a letter to Congress...

Click on the megaphone to choose which representative or senator to write to. Click on their name to bring you to their information page on our site.

Then click on the megaphone on their information page. That will take you to the section of their official website where you can email them.

If this is a comment on a regulation...

Click on the megaphone to go to the comment section of the proposed regulation.

Write it and send it on its way

Simply paste what you copied from our sample letter or comment or write whatever you want.

Public comment period has ended

The public comment period has ended, so you no longer can provide comments on this proposed rule.

You still can contact your representatives in Congress to express your opinion.

You can provide your thoughts to the FCC until Nov. 25, 2022

A proposed regulation would attempt to put a stop to spam texts, by requiring mobile providers to block texts from sources that "are highly likely to be illegal."

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is seeking comments from the public regarding questions such as how much of a problem is this to you and would blocking the most suspicious texts cause legitimate texts to be blocked.

The public comment period runs through Nov. 25, 2022.

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