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Sample letter to your representatives in Congress
President Trump is personally profiting from being in office..
He profits when protection is provided to him and his family at properties he owns - which appears to violate the domestic emoluments clause of the Constitution. In addition, the foreign emoluments clause appears to be violated when officials from foreign governments stay at Trump-owned properties.
While Congress has initiated several actions to prevent this, nothing has changed.
The No Taxpayer Revenue Used to Monetize the Presidency (No TRUMP) Act would have prevented Trump from profiting financially from providing protection for him and his family at properties he owns. That bill failed to pass Congress, and expired at the start of the 2019 term.
As your constituent, I am requesting that you support similary bills - as they clearly would be in the best interests of the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Because violating the foreign emoluments clause could lead to undue foreign influence in U.S. policies, I also am requesting that you support the lawsuit Blumenthal v. Trump, as it is intended to stop Trump from violating the clause.
I also am requesting public investigations of these issues and, if appropriate, prosecute the president in all manners available to Congress.
Lastly, it is in the best interests of American citizens to know who the president meets with that might influence policies he supports. I therefore am requesting that you support a new version of the Make Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness (MAR-A-LAGO) Act, which also expired at the end of the previous Congress.